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How to Engage 'Assassin's Creed Revelations' fans while Live Game Streaming on Youtube Live

Learn how to 9x your live audience engagement while streaming 'Assassin's Creed Revelations' on Youtube Live and create a thriving community of superfans.

October 1, 2024
4 min read

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So you’re diving deep into the world of Assassin's Creed: Revelations and want to turn your live stream into an epic adventure for your audience? You’re in just the right place! Streaming is all about forging that tight connection with your viewers and making them feel like they’re part of the journey. StreamAlive’s got some killer tools that can make your engagement pop and get your viewers coming back for more! Here’s how you can use StreamAlive Interaction features to keep your audience on the edge of their seats while you navigate through Constantinople with Ezio, relive Altair's memories, and even chill with Desmond on the Animus Island.

Kick-off with Magic Maps

Starting your stream with the Magic Maps feature is like teleporting your audience across the globe! Toss out a casual “Hey, where’s everyone tuning in from?” and watch the map light up in real time as viewers plug in their locations. Picture Ezio darting through the streets of Constantinople - viewers in the US, UK, and India popping up on your map is your very own global Templar-hunting squad assembled. This isn't just fun; it's like building a virtual brotherhood. Plus, it kicks off the interaction and gets the chat buzzing right away! Clusters highlight viewer hotspots, giving you cool insights into where your biggest fanbase is, and also breaches into top memory cities, making it all the more relatable.

Dive Deeper with Opinion Polls

Sometimes, you want more than just straight choices. How about letting your audience share their own assassination tactics or what city they’d love to see Ezio explore next? Opinion Polls can pick up all those cool options and stick them right into the chat for all to admire. You'll see answers like “Cappadocia!” rise in popularity, just like the cities in the game. Get ready for even deeper insights into what your fans love and stay alert for life stories that pop up; they could spark an entire convo that adds life to your stream.

Get Insight with Live Polls

While running through Ezio’s epic escapades, ever wondered what your viewers think about his new Hookblade or what bomb they think best suits a smoke-free kill? Toss up a Live Poll to get that real-time feedback. Simple questions like “What's been your most badass move today?” or “Hookblade over the classic Hidden Blade?” can take your community interaction to the next level. They choose, they see results instantly, and everyone bonds over shared favorites. It can also spark friendly debates in the chat-boosting interaction even further.

Let The Spinner Wheel Pick Your Next Move

Ezio had to deal with all kinds of crazy decisions: should he zipline into action or craft a sneaky distraction bomb? Now, imagine you’re facing a game-related decision, like which mission to tackle next or maybe which bomb to craft for the next scenario. Cue the Spinner Wheel. It’s all about adding that element of surprise, just like a plot twist in the game. Set conditions such as viewers who’ve commented frequently, or maybe throw in everyone who’s dropped a Superchat and spin that wheel. Not only does it ramp up your excitement, but it keeps viewers on their toes, urging them to engage even more to potentially steer your gameplay. Plus, viewers love a good prize reveal!

Visualize the Buzz with Word Cloud

Running an exciting, fast-paced Assassin's Creed stream? Let’s keep your chat alive with the Word Cloud feature. Toss out a quick question like “Drop your go-to gear for Templar showdowns” and let everyone unload their thoughts in one or two words. The Word Cloud grows with popular answers like 'Hookblade', 'Smoke Bomb', or even 'Ezio Beats'. Watching that cloud form live is like seeing Constantinople’s skyline change every time Ezio renovates a district. It's eye-candy for you and your audience and makes for a shared experience that's always shifting.

Use Choice Circle for Game Dilemmas

Sometimes, you just want your community to decide if you should renovate the apothecary next or go straight into the heat of a Den Defense against those Templars. The Choice Circle is your go-to feature for those tough calls. Add up the options, push it live, and let your viewers drop their choices. It's a slick way to make them feel deeply rooted in the outcome and keep them excited about the path your game takes. Also, the pressure’s off of you for a bit, and who wouldn’t love some crowd-chosen adventures now and then?

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