It’s been a while since I wrote my first “Hello, World!” program in C, thanks to K&R and an overdue college assignment. I later learned that “Hello, World!” made its debut in Kernighan’s earlier manuscript on the B programming language. It’s on page 4 of this tutorial, if you’re that kind of geek.
Murray Hill, where he authored this, is 14 miles away from Basking Ridge where I’m writing this, and in that asynchronous geo-proximity, there feels a connection…
“Hello, World!”
We’ve been quietly working on what is now /* insert drumroll */

Our parent company, WordsWorth Tech, simply called us a rather wordy WordsWorth as a placeholder while we were in what the tech-world likes to call “stealth mode”. Not so stealth, really, considering we’d tell anyone who asked and we even had a hip-hop beatboxing event to stress-test our alpha version. More on that in a later post. During the better part of this year, we focused on building what we do – making live streams alive. Hence, the name. More details at
We’re currently in private beta, and in exchange for “brutal and unfiltered feedback”, will be offering YouTube Livestreamers with active audiences free and early access to StreamAlive. If you know someone who fits that bill, please do them and us a favor and point them to
Oh, and we’re social and all that too – pick your poison at our LinkTree where we say “Hello, World!” in all possible ways.
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash